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Sunday, April 8, 2012

"The 3rd Hour"

Mark 15:25 "Now it was the third hour, and they crucified Him."

     Things looked grim for Jesus, it appeared that He was defeated, that death would prevail Him.  People mocked Him, they divide His clothes as He hung on the cross between two thieves.  The people chose a murderer to be set free and Jesus to be crucified.  Life could not be anymore grim for Jesus, what was left of His life. There He hung on that cross in intense pain as His flesh torn away from His hands and feet. Yet, He did this for you and me! What love!!
     Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse, suddenly in the 6th hour, darkness came all over the land and then in the 9th hour Jesus could not experience God's presence any longer.  Mark 15:34.  That was the ultimate for Jesus, He knew the Father's presence all His life and now all of a sudden He was alone in the darkness.  It was at this very moment, that Jesus took on the sins of the whole world and God's presence can not stay where there is sin.  Can you imagine how devasting that was for Jesus!  Yet, He did this for you and me. 
     Mark 15:37 "then Jesus cried out with a loud voice, and breathed His last."  It appeared that Jesus had lost the fight, that His life was now over.  Do you feel like you have the lost the fight and there is no hope for you?  Let me  tell you, Jesus did not lose the fight, He was not defeated!!  Jesus rose from the dead the third day and got victory over death and the grave!! Hallejuah!  He did this for you and me!
     You do not have to stay defeated, your life is not over, don't give up!  Jesus has got the victory!  He has given us the victory!  "We are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus!" Romans 8:37
     Jesus died on the cross and rose again, not just for our salvation but so that we may live and live victoriously!!   
                                                              Jesus is alive!
                                                               He is Risen!
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