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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Time with God

This morning as I was writing a text message on my phone; my dog Chester kept trying to come between me and my phone.  When I moved or lightly pushed him away, he then attempted to put his head on my phone, so he could lay in my lap.  I think in his mind, he was saying, "Hey, this is my time!! I love you and I want to spend time with you!"  I believe that is how the Lord is; He loves us and wants His time with us, yet, we continue to be busy being busy.  Unlike, Chester, the Lord is not going to push our phones out of our hands or whatever it is that may be distracting us.  The Lord longs to spend time with us and wants to love on us, if we will allow Him too.  It's in His presence that he changes us, strengthens us and reveals things to us!! Don't allow the busyness of your day to take you away from spending time with Him!!
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